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New England Green Pastures


It all started over 75 years ago when the New Hampshire governor said, “I challenge the other New England states to produce better pastures than New Hampshire, and I bet a hat that they can’t do it.” With that challenge in 1947, New Hampshire Governor Charles Dale laid the foundation for one of New England dairying’s most successful projects – the New England Green Pastures Program.

Over the years the New England Green Pastures has modified its recognition program to keep pace with the changes occurring in the dairy industry. The program started after World War II. Many farm leaders in the region worried that a post-war depression would hurt agriculture as had been the case following earlier major conflicts. These same leaders also felt that if some ways were found to help the region’s dairymen more rapidly adopt research and new technologies, such rapid adoption would help New England dairymen remain cost-competitive and lessen the impact of economic downturns. Governor Dale’s challenge offered a dramatic springboard to promote innovation in dairying – particularly through better pasture management. So, in 1948, the first New England Green Pastures Program began – and Governor Dale lost his wager. In the years since, the program has broadened its scope – but still stresses top-flight New England dairying.

Great rivalry stemmed from Dale’s challenge. The Extension services in the six New England states fostered the competition which, in its first year, saw three thousand dairymen enroll to have their farms judged. To narrow down the field, judges chose winners from each county and then finally decided on three statewide representatives.

Today the Green Pastures Program recognizes one winner from each of the New England states annually. With more emphasis today on confined housing and total mixed rations, the judging criteria has been broadened to recognize outstanding accomplishments in business management, crop production, herd performance, environmental practices, and community leadership; however, the renewed interest in pasturing has brought the program back to its roots. The Eastern States Exposition has hosted the Dairy Farmer of the Year recognition program for many years at the Eastern States Fairgrounds in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Annually the winners show a visual presentation of their farm and are presented with a silver pitcher, which is supported by each state’s commissioner of agriculture. After the Eastern States recognition, the winners are honored in various ways in their home state, and are often involved on judging teams to select future winners.

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